We'll Never Say Good-bye (FWBC)

10 months ago

We'll Never Say Good-bye Lyrics:

We say good-bye in parting
With loved ones here below;
We always hope to meet again,
As on our way we go.

But oft our hearts are grieving
For those we never meet.
We’ll say good-bye in sorrow
Till we meet in Jesus’ feet.

We’ll never say good-bye in Glory,
In the morning, over yonder;
We’ll never say good-bye in Glory;
We’ll never say good-bye up there.

Our children leave the home nest
For school or wedding bells;
Or country’s call or mission field
May take them far as well.

Now wedding bells are happy,
And God’s way always right.
And absent ones, we’ll greet them
In the City always bright.

We’ll never say good-bye in Glory,
In the morning, over yonder;
We’ll never say good-bye in Glory;
We’ll never say good-bye up there.

We greet and part with dear ones;
We say hello, good-bye;
And letters bind our fellowship,
We miss them, though we try

To feel them always near us,
And follow them with prayer.
But parting days are ended
When we meet them in the air.

We’ll never say good-bye in Glory,
In the morning, over yonder;
We’ll never say good-bye in Glory;
We’ll never say good-bye up there.

O happy, glad Home-coming
With Jesus in the sky;
For sometimes He seems far away,
Though always if we try,

We find Him near to help us,
His Spirit dwells within.
But only perfect union
When we Heaven enter in.

We’ll never say good-bye in Glory,
In the morning, over yonder;
We’ll never say good-bye in Glory;
We’ll never say good-bye up there.

➤ Lyrics & Music: John R. Rice
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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