12 Aramaic herbs of Ancient Greece and Rome Pt2

11 months ago

Tarot From Beyond w/E. Dubb
YouTube channel Chiontal Chiontal
Facebook Erica Dubb
Instagram 7_mile_queen

Welcome everybody to the channel... today we will be learning about 12 ancient Aramaic herbs that were commonly used among the Greeks and Roman empire join us today in this three-part series and become a subscriber to the channel like share these lessons with family and loved ones

I would like to thank everyone that is subscribed to the channel thank you guys for your support and being with me since day one to everyone that is new here join our team and become a subscriber
God 🙏 Bless ❣️

#Peace #Love #Light 🌞

Copyrights reserved for the music to YouTube audio for educational purposes only viewer discretion is advised
Book title and author
Coventry magic with candles oils and herbs by Jackie Smith

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