Another AI Deep Fake of Kate Middleton?

11 months ago

Kate diagnosed with cancer after we're told it was stomach surgery. Why lie (again)?
Who undergoes "PREVENTATIVE chemotherapy?" (She's lost no hair.) And the King has cancer too? His scenario is the same as hers? He also had surgery for a noncancerous condition later discovered to be cancerous? This isn't credible. Sure, we can believe that about just one of them, but not about both. All is still not as it seems. Are we now to assume that Charles DOESN'T actually have cancer at all?
This reeks of a sympathy ploy and a further cover-up. The truth is therefore apt to be significantly more sinister and far less straightforward. If Charles was being bravely forthcoming by announcing his (purported) condition, is Kate being needlessly deceptive? Cancer is nothing to be ashamed of; accordingly, the Palace should not have denied the diagnosis in the first place.
This raises more questions than answers:

Now why was Kate sitting on an uncomfortable bench. Why not be inside on a comfy sofa indoors in a warm comfortable atmosphere?

There may be daffodils out in England and the grass is green but its mostly freezing cold at 8°C with loose
For someone seriously ill they certainly got the optics seriously wrong.

Another doctor on CNN segment also said the diagnosis comes before any surgery, and anytime tissue is removed during surgery its always sent to pathology for testing.

Why wasn’t William in the video showing that he supported his wife? A husband ought to be beside his ill wife and where's her family gone?

It also looked like a “spaghetti western” because her mouth didn't always correspond with the words.

The plants in the background are dead still. And when does she ever sit with her legs crossed? She's always done the princess slant, where she crosses her ankles and especially after abdominal surgery.
If its not an AI deepfake, why is there a reflection of her jumper against the bench?

Why not do a live press conference.?
Why fake all the other photos and videos?

The trouble is, they've lost all credibility with the public over this past quarter of a year. Think about that: THREE MONTHS of incredibly undignified and dodgy behavior, with stunt after stunt staged in a desperate attempt to fool the public ~ that's GUARANTEED fuel for the gossip mills! Or, is this just another poor CGI AI presentation? The question is, what's the real struggle? ~ cancer or anorexia/bulimia? Shades of Diana and Julia Skripal. Her time seems limited on this plane.

Lord, hear her prayers.

Courtesy | Tisa Tells

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