The Cure For Parkinson's Disease Found, In Dr. James Parkinson's 1817 Book

8 months ago

See indisputable proof that dead dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra & a subsequent lack of dopamine is "NOT" the cause of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. (Watch as I stretch the neck of Parkinson patient "Carlos", to separate his vertebra, to release pressure from squashing nerves that are causing tremors, just as Dr. Parkinson's book explains as one of the causes of tremors.) --- See indisputable proof that myelin degeneration is "NOT" the cause of symptoms of MS. (Watch as I give life back to 3 immobilised patients. One being the legs of 76-year old Parkinson patient "Betty", the second being 45-year old MS patient "Sherry", & the 3rd, being PD patient "Nancy", by using Gentle Correction Spinal Therapy, & by massaging specific nerves governing those areas.)

See undeniable proof, that health officials are suppressing the truthful causes of Parkinson's disease, MS & several other diseases falsly classed as incurable, just so, in my opinion, Big-pharma can keep patients relying on drugs, just so they can maximise drug sales...

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