12 The "1000 Years" of Revelation 20 - Analyzing the Alternatives

11 months ago

Thanks to TruthCat Media

What is the "1,000 years" of Revelation 20:1-6? Is the "millennium" another future earthly age for this earth or is it the current Age which will end with Jesus' return and Final judgment? Popular expectations aside, what the passage actually tells us bears little resemblance to what many people are taught to "imagine" into the passage and other information from the Gospels and New Testament writings suggest that this is another passage that has acquired a "life of its own" in popular thinking. We can learn something from the misguided Rabbinical scenario that confused 1st century Judaism about the Messiah's first coming as we try to sort out the various popular scenarios that are presented to those awaiting the Messiah's return.

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