This Fabulous Husky Got A Terrific Makeover

7 years ago

Huskies are a truly awesome dog breed. They are so affectionate, curious and happy all the time. Their howling and growling sound like they are having a real conversation with their owners and that’s why these dogs are so special. They require a big amount of attention and they enjoy the company of the entire family, especially kids.Take a look at this charming and smart husky dog being transformed into a real beauty with the power of makeup.

We bet that you’ve heard about that girl that painted her face to look similar to her husky dog. Well, the owner of this beautiful husky named Loki, has decided to do something else. He put make up on his dog’s face. How crazy is that, right? He applied blush on the dog’s cheeks and he even put fake eyelashes on top of his eyes. His make up is definitely on fleek! The final touch was definitely the blue checkered print pajama. Outfit of the day, and on point too!

When Loki was all set for the photo session, his owner took the shots and made a video of this awesome moment. The dog is standing still like a true professional. However, rather than just being a camera-loving doggo, it turns out that Loki is a very patient and disciplined dog too.

Watch this dog being so sharp when posing for the shot. Loki the husky models a fresh new makeover for the camera. Looking fly, Loki! He is truly an inspiration for huskies around the world! Haha!

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