Black youth charged with hate crime, ethnic intimidation for mob attack on White driver

11 months ago

2014 - DETROIT - A 16-year-old has been charged with assault and ethnic intimidation in connection with the beating of Steve Utash.
The teen, who is in custody as a juvenile, will appear at the Wayne County Juvenile Detention Center on Saturday for a hearing. Ethnic intimidation is commonly referred to as a hate crime.

The teen is one of five suspects who have been charged in the case.

Police said 54-year-old Utash accidentally hit 10-year-old David Harris on April 2 while driving on Morang Street near Balfour Street. Police said the boy stepped out in front of the pickup and Utash wasn't at fault -- but when Utash stopped and got out to check on the boy, police said he was beaten by a mob, as many as 10 or 12 people.

Utash remains in critical condition.

Wonzey Saffold, 30, and 24-year-old James Davis are charged with assault with intent to murder and assault with intent to do great bodily harm, and 17-year-old Bruce Wimbush Jr., is facing the same charges. Latrez Cummings, 19, was taken into custody on Wednesday. He also is charged with assault with intent to murder and assault with intent to do great bodily harm.

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