This Pup Proves That Canines Can Climb Trees Too

7 years ago

We are used to seeing cats climb up trees like it is no big deal but seeing a dog climb a tree may seem quite close to impossible. Yet there are talented dogs that can effectively climb up a tree. Indeed, some dogs can climb up trees so well, they have even managed to escape the yard if the tree happened to be strategically close to a fence. How can they do that though? We know that their conformation is not very suitable to the task but apparently for some dogs, when there is a will there's a way!

The pooch in this video proves that he has super powers and can climb up this huge, branchy tree in a mere second. He does not have retractable claws nor is his body built for being a proficient climber like cats are. It looks like he is an exception to the rule and a real proof that not everything in life is white and black. There is always something in between. And those differences sometimes take our breath away.

Running in open plains for the most of his time, this dog must have a good reason to climb at the top of this tree. His determination surmounts his skills. Judging by the way how he ‘runs’ around the tree, he is not an experienced climber. There is a great chance that this is his first climb and let’s hope not his last. Because he has the people in the video in fits of laughter. And nothing feels better than a long, honest smile.

We sure salute this doggy and his bold attempt. If only we were this determined...

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