Black Ops: The Story II

1 year ago


Part 1:

Bart story told by Port:

0:00 - 2022
18:26 - 2023
1:18:40 - Ending


Phoenix Wright OST - Moderato 2002
Phoenix Wright OST - Allegro 2002
Fire Emblem 7 OST - Companions
South Park: The Stick of Truth OST - Forest Theme
South Park: The Stick of Truth OST - City/Streets Open World Theme
OSRSBeatz - Arabian (LoFi)
OSRS OST - Autumn Voyage
E's Jammy Jam - Soul & Mind
OSRS OST - Nightfall
OSRS OST - Shining
OSRS OST - Wildwood
Sword Art Online OST - Luminous Sword
Fire Emblem 8 OST - Follow Me
Phoenix Wright OST - Logic and Tricks
OSRSBeatz - Still Night (LoFi)
Apollo Justice OST - Moderate 2007
40 Winks PS1 OST - Bedroom
GTA V OST - Rampage Music 2
Fire Emblem 8 OST - Rise Above
Phoenix Wright OST - Moderate 2004
Fire Emblem 7 OST - Distant Travels
OSRSBeatz - Autumn Voyage (LoFi)
Megamind OST - Metroman’s Flashback
Fire Emblem 7 OST - A Knight’s Oath
One Punch Man OST - Sadness
DBZ BT3 OST - Wild Rush
Boppa - Quiet Bark
Phoenix Wright OST - Guard’s Elegy
GTA V OST - Bury the Hatchet Mission Music
Fire Emblem 7 OST - Binding Ties
TLOZ:TP OST - Hyrule Field (Orchestral Version)
F-Zero SNES OST - Big Blue
OSRS OST - Rhapsody
RuneScape 3 OST - Love Story
Gyakuten Saiban Orchestra - Godot - Fragrance of Dark Coffee
Fire Emblem 8 OST - The Final Battle
Left 4 Dead 2 OST - The Monsters Within
GTA San Andreas Instrumental Theme
Fire Emblem 7 OST - Treasured Hope
Street Fighter II OST - Ryu Ending Theme

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