Dietary Reversal of Lupus Symptoms: Case Study Dietary Reversal of Lupus Symptoms: Case Study Ep.1182 MAR 2024

8 months ago

A small study followed three women with lupus and Sjögren's syndrome who saw a dramatic improvement in symptoms after switching to a specific diet. This diet focused on raw fruits and vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables, and included omega-3 fatty acids from sources like flax seeds. All three women reported near-complete symptom remission within a month and some have remained symptom-free for over six years without medication. While more research is needed, these results suggest this dietary approach may be helpful for managing autoimmune diseases.

#LupusTreatment #AutoimmuneDiet #FoodAsMedicine

Goldner, B., & Staffier, K. L. (2024). Case series: Raw, whole, plant-based nutrition protocol rapidly reverses symptoms in three women with systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syndrome. Frontiers in Nutrition, 11, 1208074.

Lupus remission diet, Sjögren's syndrome diet, Raw food diet autoimmune, Plant-based diet lupus, Food as medicine Sjögren's, Case study: Raw diet lupus reversal, Brenda Goldner lupus diet, Dietary intervention SLE, RRP diet lupus, Leafy greens lupus, Cruciferous vegetables autoimmune, Omega-3 Sjögren's, Plant-based protocol autoimmune, Natural lupus management, Lifestyle changes autoimmune health

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