Icelandic-Palme Gambit

9 months ago

The Icelandic-Palme Gambit is an obscure though intensely tricky sideline of the Modern Scandinavian opening for black!

The Icelandic-Palme Gambit is also known as the Icelandic Gambit, or Palme Gambit (after Rudolf Palme (1910-2005), who was the first player to introduce the gambit into master play).

It originated in Iceland (as you may have guessed), at a time when the Icelandic masters were looking for an alternative to the more common 3...c6.

The opening can get quite sharp, and engines give less than a one pawn advantage to White, so it is not refuted or really a bad opening at all.

Opening moves are following:

e4 d5
exd5 Nf6
c4 e6
And here we have it! The Icelandic Gambit is on the board!

dxe6 Bxe6
d4 Bb4+
This is the Scandinavian Defense opening.

Nc3 Ne4
Qd3 Bf5
Be2 O-O
Be2 Re8
Qf3 Qxd4
Qxf5 Nxc3
bxe3 Bxc3+
Kf1 (king f1 is a bluder) Qd1+
Bxd1 Re1#

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