Breaking India & Indian Elites- By Francois Gautier | Snakes in the Ganga

11 months ago

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In this talk, well-known French journalist Francois Gautier talks about how 'Snakes in the Ganga' is a milestone work and how it helped him and many others understand the roots of the Critical Race Theory Movement.

Time stamps :

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:34 The importance of Rajiv Malhotra
00:04:24 Rare people like RM should be honored
00:07:00 Indologists against India
00:10:01 Fighting against the demonization of India
00:11:49 India needs to become a powerful country
00:13:33 Snakes in the Ganga
00:15:34 Rediscover the pride to be Indian
00:18:28 Rediscovering the Kshatriya spirit

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