How to get narcissists out of your head and off your mind

6 months ago

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Ultimately, who wields authority over your cognition? Who reigns supreme over your thoughts? One might argue that we, as individuals, hold dominion over our thoughts. Yet, consider this: someone utters a remark, implanting a notion within our minds, or we witness something, unable to erase it from our memory. These external stimuli mold our thoughts, beyond our control. Perhaps our extensive life experiences, spanning decades, further shape our cognitive landscape, each encounter leaving an indelible mark.

These thoughts, akin to a hive mind, possess a life of their own. They belong to a collective consciousness, akin to ants returning to their hive. Yet, we need not permit them to linger. Like an unwelcome ant intruding upon our sanctuary, we must dispatch these thoughts, lest they attract more of their kind, overwhelming us.

Some individuals, knowingly or unknowingly, deposit thoughts into our minds, intentionally or unintentionally inflicting harm. However, our power lies in our response. We need not dwell upon these intruding thoughts. Instead, we possess the ability to brush them aside, maintaining a pristine mental landscape.

Principle one: once heard or seen, thoughts cannot be erased. However, we can redirect our focus, refusing to dwell on them. Principle two: dwelling on thoughts leads to internalization. Principle three: internalized thoughts shape our being. Therefore, by controlling our thoughts, we shape our destiny.

Consider the influence of external sources on our thinking. Whether deliberate or inadvertent, they wield power over our minds. Yet, we need not succumb to their influence. Instead, we must reclaim control over our thoughts, guiding them towards positive trajectories.

We must acknowledge the reality of external influences while refusing to allow them to dictate our self-perception. Each negative thought harbors the potential to burgeon into a mental monster, distorting our reality. By confronting and displacing these thoughts, we regain mastery over our minds.

So, I implore you: reflect upon the thoughts occupying your mind. Are they empowering or debilitating? By subscribing to a mindset of empowerment, we chart a course towards self-actualization.

#narcissism #narcissists #psychopaths

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