Eric Dubay and Mark Devlin discuss Theology, Religion, Afterlife, Reincarnation Soul Trap

11 months ago


First You Must Know the Lie by Greg Calise
I have written many times that, to Know the Truth, first you must know the lie. We find ourselves in the big lie, where society, culture, education, government, religion and the media are all not only severely corrupted, but there is an evil force here that is hellbent on destroying humanity and our entire ecosystem, as we can see every day around us. How do you explain GMOs, chemtrails, medicines that kill you, wars of aggression, environmental disasters and so many angles and levels of destruction? You may ask, “What am I doing here!?” “Why am I having to live in such a corrupted, violent, evil society?” Because it is the big lie, and you are here to experience and learn all about it. You are here to find the holes in the net, to see through this matrix of illusions; to find the way to perceiving this matrix for what it actually is; to see the Truth behind the illusions and deceit. You are here to free yourself.

The Trap:

If You're Not Ready To Question EVERYTHING, You're Not "Awake." Period.
We live and die in a world of lies.
We have all been lied to from cradle to grave.
What if you woke up one morning, say this morning, with the crazy notion that everything you had ever been told was a lie? Everything you were taught in school, from your parents, from religion, and from TV was a form of deception? That all the systems you trusted, that you believed were created for your best interest, were false? A calculated series of lies designed as a type of control mechanism, to keep you and everyone, under the spell of the wizards who control this realm. What if you found that
even all the areas that seem designed to assist you, such as religion, spirituality, or self-help, were all part of the deception as well?

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