S03E01 Adoration & An Introduction to How Humans Wield Distance

11 months ago

It's season 3! WOOP! In this episode, The Chorus conveys their adoration for us, and offers a new perspective on our concept of "dark vs light." Relatedly, they describe their view on how we each give birth to Creation. Katie connects this to multiple topics introduced in seasons 1 and 2, as well as the human experiences of meditation, grounding, "being sensitive," and starseeds. In so doing, she starts to outline the way distance emanates from humankind, how we interact with this dynamic energy (energIES) and our real-time, present moment sense of it. We're kicking off the season on Distance (and everything else). Glad you're with us!

Note: Energetically, this episode weaves together desire, anger, emotional and energetic perception, linearity, time, mental projections, grief, and underdogs.

For additional information on any of these topics, check out our Season 1 and Season 2 podcast episodes. Or you might want to revisit the episodes below.

***Either way, energetically you will receive the message and the love of The Chorus. We love you!***

S01E09: Desire & How The Universe Gives Directions

S01E11 Distance and Ease, ‘Extraterrestrial’ Contact and Planning

S01E18 The Human Emotional Array, Why We Grieve & How We Love

S01E19 The Expanded Self, Being Stuck, Mental Projections, Angry Outbursts and Choice. Oh My.

S02E15 Inferiority, Underdogs, One-At-A-Time, DNA and Family

===== LINKS ======
📘 BOOKS: This podcast corresponds to our books.

Season 1 to The Book of Human Awakening (2nd Edition) - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CPYLQN7Z

Season 2 toThe Book of Human Remembrance - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJSXLMVX

Check them out in ebook, audiobook, and paperback.

✉️ CONTACT: Send us a message through our site. https://katieandthechorus.com/contact

👍 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE: If you are enjoying the podcast, please consider giving it a like above or reviewing on Apple or Spotify. Thank you!

WEB: https://KatieandTheChorus.com

We love you infinitely! ❤️

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