Leonard Wood Lays Cornerstone of Theodore Roosevelt House (1921 Original Black & White Film)

11 months ago

Step into history with this poignant black and white film from 1921, capturing the official beginning of the restoration of Theodore Roosevelt's birthplace by the Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association. Experience the momentous occasion as crowds gather around the platform for the laying of the Roosevelt House cornerstone. Witness Major General Leonard Wood, TR's longtime friend and political associate, as he prepares to set the stone in place. Hear from Corinne Robinson, TR's sister and a frequent participant in Roosevelt House activities, as she addresses the assembled crowd. Don't miss this rare glimpse into the efforts to preserve the legacy of one of America's most beloved presidents.

Source :
Pathé Exchange, Roosevelt Memorial Association, F. O. & Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection. (1921) Leonard Wood lays cornerstone of Roosevelt House. [United States: Pathé Exchange] [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/mp76000064/

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