Unity Through Oneness In Christ; Phil. 2:1-4

10 months ago

Delivered during the Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship, 3/17/2024. Paul continues to emphasize the importance of unity within the body of Christ, as a necessary outworking of the radical change brought about by the Gospel. After telling his readers to live in a way worthy of the Gospel, he pointed out that this meant striving side by side for the faith, and suffering for the cause of Christ if necessary. In this message he will flesh that out a bit and articulate his formula for unity within the church. Importantly, that unity will not be an external bond that simply ties people together, but rather the internal bond where the members of the church are bound together in their minds, their hearts and their spirits, with singularity of purpose, and souls transformed by the Holy Spirit. To put it simply, Paul's formula for unity within the Church is oneness in Christ.

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