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THE REPTILIANS MASTERS IN RELIGION,INCLUDING THE BIBLE. The Nachash and His Seed: Some Explanatory Notes on Why the “Serpent” in Genesis 3 Wasn’t a Serpent ✧ Michael S. Heiser, PhD
Dept. of Hebrew and Semitic Studies, The Hebrew word Nachash is translated to "shine" (like brass) or whisper (as in enchantment).{{{ NACHASH }}} The Nachash was, to use literal Hebrew, a 'shining enchanter.' He was also 'shrewd' (smooth or slick), as a descriptive term in the Hebrew for 'naked and cunning' in deceiving Eve. Scripture goes on to say that the Nachash was - "above (higher in intelligence) than any living thing 'of the field' that Yahweh Elohim had made . ◄ Revelation 12:9 ►The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him Reptilian Masters in Religion, Including the Bible:
The serpent-people, or Nagas from ancient Sanskrit (the primary holy language of Hinduism and scholarly language in Buddhism and Jainism) sources who are believed to have lived in the mountains of India and Tibet, were called Sarpa. The famous theosophist and scholar of ancient wisdom litThe British Royals and the Reptilians - The British Royals and the Reptilians One of the most monstrous families on Earth is fading away The British Royal family, who own over sixteen percent of the entire planet, seems to be falling apart. Which is nothing to mourn, for they are one of the most monstrous families on Earth. LEGENDS IN EVERY ANCIENT CULTURE OF REPTILLIAN SERPENT GODS Abzu - Babylonian king of the abyss of fresh water, husband of Tiamat Adi Budhnya - Indian serpent god, the virtuality of fire Agni - Indian serpent god, literally the 'furious serpent', the manifested divine fire Aguna - Solomon Islands serpent mother goddess Aido-Hwedo - African serpent god of Fon tribe, who assisted Mawu-Lisa (or Nana-Buluku) in creating the world; lives in ocean to balance the world and consumes iron, when it runs out of iron to eat, its writhings will cause the world to tilt Aker - Egyptian Dragon representing the earth, who bound the coils of Apophis Am-Mut - Egyptian serpent god, called the eater of souls Amphisbaena - an African dragon with two heads, one on its tail Amphitere - a plumed flying serpent, which knows all the secrets of the world except one Ananda Lahari - a Naga, the eleven-headed wave of bliss upon which the gods are carried into eternity Ananta - literally, 'endless', Buddhist Naga with 1000 heads, whose coils encircle the world axis; the cosmic ocean, also called Sesha; he spits out venomous fire at the end of each Kalpa (age) to help Shiva in destroying the creation Ankh-neteru - Egyptian serpent god through whose body the Boat of Afu Ra is pulled by twelve amikhiu gods, entering the tail and exiting the mouth, which results in Afu Ra being transformed into Khepera, now towed into the sky by twelve goddesses Anyiewo - African rainbow serpent of the Ewe tribe Apep (Apepi) - Egyptian primordial serpent who lived in the celestial Nile (Milky Way) Apophis - Greek form of Apep Apsu - Babylonian serpent god of fresh water abyss Atum - Egyptian creator of the Eldest gods, who will become a new serpent when the world returns to its original chaos Azhi Dahaka - Persian great sky serpent, creator of planets Basilisk - (Greek - king) Phoenician serpent god, whose glance caused death Baxia - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China, a strong swimmer Bixi - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China, an excellent pack animal Bobbi-Bobbi - Australian rainbow serpent Cecrops - Greek founder of civilization, half-human, half-serpent Chalchiuhticue - Incan serpent mother goddess Chiao - Chinese marsh serpent Chien Lung - Chinese great dragon Chih - Chinese serpent god of the north Chiminigagua - Columbian creator serpent god of the Chibcha tribe, lives in lake of serpents Chiwen - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China, a seer Cien-Tang - Chinese serpent god in charge of all river serpent spirits, blood red with a 900 feet fiery mane Cipactli - Mayan serpent god, ruler of crocodiles Coatlicue - Aztec earth serpent goddess, mother of all living Cockatrice - Hebrew Basilisk Colchis - the Greek Dragon who guarded the Golden Fleece Daemon - Greek spirit guardians of every god and important human, took the form of a serpent Damballa - Voodoo serpent god, his 7000 coils formed the earth and the heavens Damkina - Babylonian serpent queen, mother of Marduk, wife of Ea Danh - African serpent rainbow god of the Fon tribe, circles the world and orders the cosmos, both male and female; it has 3500 coils above the earth and 3500 coils beneath the earth; called Da in action and Mawu-Lisa in thought. Degei - Fiji supreme serpent god, originally lived alone with the hawk Turukawa, which gave birth to humans who were raised by Degei Denwen - Egyptian Dragon, a fiery serpent who's fire would have destroyed the gods, but was stopped by the king Dewi - Welsh giant red serpent spirit Dhakhan - Australian rainbow serpent Dionysos - Greek god wine, born in the form of a serpent Draco - Greek heavenly divine serpent, a pet of Zeus Dzyu - Tibetan serpent power of creation Ea - Babylonian serpent king, father of Marduk, husband of Damkina Fafnir - German serpent, the great worm with magickal powers Fu-ts'ang Lung - Chinese Underworld serpent, guards earthly treasures Fuku Riu - Japanese serpent of good fortune Fuxi - half human half serpent father of mankind Galeru - Australian rainbow serpent Gargouille - French serpent that caused floods by vomiting water from its mouth Giao Long - Vietnamese serpent gods, immortal and became dragons after 1000 years Goorialla - Australian rainbow serpent Gorgon - Greek Basilisk (e.g. - Medusa) Gucumatz - Qiche Mayan serpent god who brought civilization Haoxian - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China Hedammu - serpent who was Ishtar's divine servant Herren-Suge - Basque serpent god with seven heads Huitzilopotchili - form of Quetzalcoatl Hunab Ku _ Mayan god of gods, a great sky serpent Hydra - Greek nine-headed serpent, could regrow its heads Iara - Brazilian serpent goddess, mother of the waters, also called mboicu (great serpent) Illuyankas - Hittite serpent god Indra - Indian serpent god, imported to Turkey, Iraq and Syria by the Hurrians; he defeated the world serpent to release the power of the seven streams Jawzahr - an Islamic Dragon responsible for eclipses and comets Jiaotu - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China Jormungand - Norse divine serpent, son of loki, world serpent Julungul - Australian rainbow serpent Ka-Riu - Japanese fire serpent Kahasusibware - Solomon Islands serpent god Kakuru - Australian rainbow serpent Kalseru - Australian rainbow serpent Koevasi - Melanesian serpent goddess Kouteign Kooru - African serpent god, literally 'master of the waters' Kua Shih - Chinese wingless serpent god Kulkulcan - Mayan serpent god Kundalini - the human Naga spirit normally asleep at the base of the spine Kung Kung - Chinese serpent god with nine heads, god of wisdom Labna - Mayan serpent god Ladon - Greek guardian serpent of the Tree of Golden Apples in the Hesperides, taken from Sumerian or Akkadian sources Langal - Australian rainbow serpent Lebe - the serpent lord of the Dogan tribe, first of the living dead Leviathan - Hebrew primeval sea serpent, symbol of chaos Lindworms - German serpent spirits inhabiting bodies of water Lotan - Canaanite seven-headed serpent Lough Derg Monster - a giant water serpent confined to the bottom of Lough Derg by St. Patrick Lu - Tibetan Naga Luagal - Samoan serpent god of the sea Lung - the basic Chinese dragon Lung Wang - the four dragon kings of China: Ao Ch'in, Ao Jun, Ao Kuang, Ao Shun Mae - New Hebrides serpent spirits Magoraga - Buddhist serpent god Makara - an Indina Dragon in the form of a crocodile Marcupo - Philippine serpent god Marduk - Babylonian serpent god who killed his grandmother Tiamat and established a new order of gods Mawu-Lisa - another name for Danh Mboi-Tu'I - Paraguyan divine serpent parrot of the Guarani tribe Midgard Serpent - Norse serpent upon which the world tree rests, killed by Thor before it could grow so powerful it would rule the gods Mixcoatl - Aztec serpent god of clouds, brought rain by having sex with goddess Coatlicue Mo'o - Hawaiian serpent god Moma - African serpent goddess in central Africa Muchalinda - a many headed Indian Naga, guardian of the Tree of Enlightenment who wrapped itself seven times around the Buddha to protect him Muit - Australian rainbow serpent Mushussu - a Dragon created by Tiamat to oppose Marduk, who tamed it and made it a guardian Naga (Nagini - fem) - Indian serpent lord, son of Kadru, daughter of Daksha, a title of spiritual power among humans; literally, Sanscrit for 'serpent'; the Naga spirits bring rain and rules the Underworld; their language is called Naga-Krita; the Nagas are manifestations of Agni (fire), the fierce spirit as spirit guardians; divided into four classes: heavenly, divine, earthly or hidden Naga Bushana - Nagas representing the energy of death Naga Kanya - a five or nine headed Naga, a counterpart of the god Vishnu Nagual - Mexican serpent spirit guardian Neheb-Kau - Egyptian serpent with human arms and legs, a servant of Ra, the great serpent under world and upon which the world rests Ningizzida - another name for Zu Nidhogg - Norse serpent at base of world tree, devours bones of fallen humanity Nu Kua - Chinese serpent goddess formed the first people Oniont - Amerindian horned serpent, lived under water, healed the sick Ophion - Greek Titan, literally 'serpent' Ophis - Gnostic power of the Spirit, lured into manifestation and trapped there, then sent a second time to release the trapped serpent-spirits (serpent in Garden of Eden, who taught man way of redemption) Ouroboros - Viking great serpent who circles the world Papophis - another name of Tiamat Pulao - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China Python - Greek father serpent of the world, lived at center of earth, slain by Apollo Qiuniu - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China Quetzalcoatl - Aztec serpent god, the feathered serpent Rainbow Serpent - Australian aborigines' mother and creator of all life on earth, from whose body the earth and heavens were created; shamans gain their power by being ritually consumed by the great Serpent and then reborn Raja Naga - Malaysian serpent king of all sea serpents Ratu-Mai-Mbula - Fiji serpent god who rules the dead Ri-Riu - Japanese serpent that sees all Riiti - Gilbert Islands serpent god who ruled the dead Ruki - New Guinea serpent god of the sea Satan - Hebrew distortion of Egyptian Set-hen Seraph - Hebrew burning serpent of spirit, highest of God's angels Seraphim - plural of Seraph Sesas - Javanese Nagas Sesha (Shesha, Adi Shesha) - Indian king of the Nagas, with 1000 heads Seth-heh - Egyptian eternal Seth who opposes the Boat of Ra on its journey Shen-Lung - Chinese spiritual serpent, controls wind and rain Simbu - Voodoo snake god of darkness Sirae - three-headed blue serpents that steal your years, from a dream Smaug - a crafty English dragon, lit: "a penetrating, inquiring and burrowing worm" Suanmi - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China Sucellos - Celtic underworld serpent Susa-No-Wo - Japanese serpent god Te Tuna - Gilbert Islands serpent god, whose head became the first coconut tree Teth - a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, lit. 'serpent' = the lust for life which drives the Wheel of Birth and therefore gives rise to death Tezcatlipoca - form of Quetzalcoatl Tiamat - Babylonian serpent goddess of salt water abyss; also called Papophis, from whose body were created the sky and the earth Ti-Ling - Chinese earth serpent, controls rivers Tien-Lung - Chinese celestial serpent, protects the gods Tlactoc - Mayan serpent god Tu-Te-Wehiwehi - Maori serpent god Typhon - Egyptian serpent lord Typhon - Greek son of Gaea and Tartarus, father of Cerberus, Hydra, Chimera and Nemean Lion Ungud - Australian rainbow serpent Ungur - Australian rainbow serpent Ulanji - Australian rainbow serpent Uraeus - Egyptian serpent fire that crawls up the tree of life Vaskul - Indian Naga god of Mt. Kailasha, home of Shiva Viracocha - Incan serpent god Vrita - Indian Dragon who caused a drought by holding water in its body, until slain by Indra, starting the monsoon Wadjet - Egyptian serpent guardian sent by Osiris to protect Pharoah and control the Nile, also called Buto or Vazit Wonungur - Australian rainbow serpent Worombi - Australian rainbow serpent Wullunqua - Australian rainbow serpent Wunekan - New Guinea serpent god Xiuhcoatl - Mayan serpent god of fire Xiuhtecuhtli - greatest god of the Aztecs, one of whose forms was a fire serpent Yazi - one of the nine sons of the dragon in China Ying Lung - Chinese serpent of justice Youalcoatl - Mayan serpent storm god Yowie - Australian dragon with six legs that lives in deep caves and comes out as dusk Yurlunggur - Australian rainbow serpent, also the Didjeridu used to call the serpent Zaltys - Baltic serpent god, lover of the Sun Goddess Saule Zu - Sumerian serpent-god of the watery abyss from which life arises and to which it returns; also called Ningizzida
In 1964, the Queen and Prince Philip visited a school in British Columbia. Former resident William Coombes claims that ten of his classmates were taken by the Queen and Prince Philip, never to be seen again. .{{{ The Case for Reptilians in Human History }}} AKA FALLEN ANGELS Though the notion of intelligent Reptilians manipulating humanity and genetically engineering the creation of humans seems far fetched, ridiculous and the stuff of sci fi, there are in fact some interesting lines of evidence that point to this hypothesis. Thus I think it should be something to consider, or at least an alternative way of looking at things. A true skeptic lives in a world of possibilities, not in one of dogmatic rigidity and limitations, and also questions everything. - Every ancient culture has stories of dragons, serpents or reptiles creating humans or living alongside them - The "Chitauri" in Africa, the dragons that gave the Chinese Emperors their bloodline, the serpent in the Genesis book of the Bible, India, etc. - Many eyewitnesses around the world have reported seeing Reptilian shapeshifters. They have come forth to David Icke and others about it. In fact, Christine Fitzpatrick, a close confidante of Princess Diana, said that Diana told her once that the Royal Family was not really human. - Humans have a part of the brain called the "R-complex" which is considered Reptilian. It controls our flight or fight response, regulates aggressive behavior, and responds to fear and hierarchy. Even mainstream scientists like the great Carl Sagan admitted in his book "Dragons of Eden" that the physiological case for reptilians in our ancestry is overwhelming and inexplicable. When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. - Genesis 6:1-4 (NIV) [emphasis mine] According to the Book of Enoch, 200 of Lucifer's Fallen Angels, (a class of beings called The Watchers) landed on Mt. Hermon in the days of Jared: And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.' And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. - Enoch Chapter 6:1-6 [emphasis mine] This event occurred sometime around the 9th Jubilee, approximately 450-500 years after Creation. The Apocryphal books of Enoch, 2 Esdras, Genesis Aprocryphon and Jasher support the Genesis story, adding that the sin of the angels grew to include genetic modification of animals as well as humans. The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the Bible in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18, explains that after the fallen angels went into the daughters of men, "the sons of men taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order to provoke the Lord"(4:18). This clear reference to the Genesis 6 record illustrates that "animals" were included in whatever cross-species experiments were being conducted, and that this activity resulted in judgment from God. The Book of Enoch also supports this record, saying that after the fallen angels merged their DNA with women, they "began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish" (7:5,6). The Old Testament contains associated reference to genetic mutations, which developed among humans following this activity, including unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood and even lion-like features among men (2 Sam 21:20; 23:20). What if, by corrupting the species barrier in which each creature was to recreate after its "own kind," Watchers had successfully mingled human-animal DNA and combined the hereditary traits of different species into a single new mutation? An entirely new being—Nephilim—might have suddenly possessed the combined intelligence and instincts (seeing, hearing, smelling, reacting to the environment) of several life forms and in ways unfamiliar to creation
The notorious pedophile and necrophiliac, Jimmy Savile, was close friends with the Royal family. Charles wanted him to be Prince Harry’s godfather. He was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1971, and Knighted by the Queen in 1990.
Prince Andrew has been a regular at Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island.
King Charles was close friends with a bishop who was convicted of raping over a dozen boys.
A former student of Aldenham school claims that students were routinely raped and tortured by members of the Worshipful Company of Brewers, which was frequented by Jimmy Savile, King Charles, and Lord Mountbatten, who has been accused of raping an 11 year old boy.
Jeanette Archer says she was abused by the Royals as a young child, and says that they are Reptilians.
According to Princess Diana’s friend, Christine Fitzgerald, Diana’s nickname for the Windsors was “the reptiles” and used to say that “they are not human.”
While this may sound strange, most Royal blood lines in history were said to be the offspring of Reptilians. Often described as dragon or serpent people.
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