Be wary of hard and fast rules...

1 year ago

Be wary of hard and fast rules...

Remember... how hard people are trying. How imperfect life is. How much nuance there is in life.

It’s hard to be perfect. It’s so impossible we would starve long before we ever attained it. Which we couldn’t anyway.

Plus, why would we want to be perfect? On the surface, yes, ok, I do want to be perfect. But deep down, I have to admit perfection is boring, not stimulating, and there’s no growth or journey to experience. No people to relate to. Nothing to work on.

And finally, it’s that thing called circumstances. What’s “right” for me isn’t “right” for you and vice versa.

When you run into someone who’s dogmatic and preachy, you just have to let this stuff roll on by you.

It’s hard sometimes, I know. It can make you feel less than and like you’re failing. Don’t let anyone make you feel that way. If you’re trying, you’re not failing. You’re in process.

And (preaching to the choir here), you also have to try not to fall into the preachy trap yourself. None of us should be going around telling people what to do or how to live their lives.

Encouraging, sharing, leading by example… yes. Judging, pushing, shaming… no.

The irony here is that I am a proponent of a healthy diet we call Eat God’s Way.

Additionally, I do think it’s right for everyone. :)

However, unlike modern fad diets, Eat God’s Way is more about the way you prepare the foods that work best for you or the foods you believe are best for you… so they’re more nutritious and digestible.

It’s less about the actual foods and more about increasing nutrition and digestibility of those foods.

Rules… no. Guidelines… yes. Ability to make it your own… yes. Freedom… absolutely. Healing… praise the Lord!

If you would like to learn more about cooking this way, it's in my free Eat God's Way book. Plus I give you simple and easy sample recipes in the companion cookbook. Both books are FREE.

To get the free Eat God's Way books, go here to download:

BTW Eat God's Way is NOT rule-based. We eat this way to give God glory and honor His design for our nourishment.

God bless you! 🥰

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