Why All the 2024 Solar Eclipse Warnings? Prophecies & Weird News

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Why are there 2024 solar eclipse warnings? Are prophecies coming true? A total solar eclipse is passing through a large portion of the United States on April 8, 2024, surprisingly sparking talk of danger, omens, and other strange theories. After a bunch of fact checking, it seems that some are facts, some theories, and some incorrect. Bizarrely, some states have issued warnings or states of emergencies, and some have prepped the National Guard. Is this solar eclipse the same one that Jesus referenced in the Bible? Edge of Wonder found some groundbreaking details that aren’t being talked about anywhere else, including a Nostradamus prophecy predicting a solar eclipse.

Speaking of eclipses, there may be a “total eclipse of the heart” as new details emerge about the whereabouts of Kate Middleton, who announced she has cancer; Prince William’s past; and King Charles’ health. Back on this side of the pond, there are more signs the world has gone crazy, as fish have been reported flipping over and over again nonstop in the waters off Key West. Why are they acting so strangely? Join Ben and Rob on this Friday Night Live as they dive deeper into these topics, plus the weekly Mandela Effect, Metaphysical Minute, and the fan favorite Top 10 Weirder News of the Week. This week’s Weirder News features a real-life Skynet; a roll of tape for $4000; and alien, egg-like pods found in a lake. Don’t miss all these and the “Dig Deep” Live Q&A only on Rise.TV. We’ll see you out on the edge!

#eclipse #katemiddleton #prophecies #future
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