President Woodrow Wilson in New York, Fourth Liberty Loan Parade (1918 Original Black & White Film)

11 months ago

Step back into the patriotic fervor of 1918 with this captivating black and white film documenting the fourth Liberty Loan ceremonies in New York City and Washington. Witness the arrival of President Wilson, accompanied by his wife Edith and mother-in-law Mrs. W. H. Bolling, as they are greeted by crowds at the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. Joining them are the President's daughters, Margaret Wilson and Eleanor McAdoo, as they embark on a tour to the Waldorf-Astoria. Experience the vibrant display along Fifth Avenue, adorned with flags representing the twenty-two Allied nations and banners supporting the Liberty Loan drive. Delve into the dedication of the Altar of Liberty in Madison Square, where Emile Cartier, Belgian Minister to the United States, speaks in support of the effort, amidst marching soldiers and stirring music. Finally, witness the ceremonial sale of bonds at the U.S. Treasury Building in Washington, D.C., as Geraldine Farrar, a member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, sells a bond to Secretary of the Treasury William Gibbs McAdoo, with Assistant Secretary Leo S. Rowe looking on. Don't miss this rare glimpse into a pivotal moment of national unity and support for the war effort.

Source :
International Film Service, Roosevelt Memorial Association, F. O., Pathé Exchange, F. O. & Theodore Roosevelt Association Collection. (1918) President Wilson arrives in New York to lead fourth Liberty Loan parade. [United States: Pathé Exchange?] [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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