Whistleblower 'Blows' It For Hunter Biden, Reveals CIA Was Working To Protect Joe's Son

11 months ago

Huh. According to a whistleblower, the CIA stonewalled an interview with one of Hunter Biden's business associates. Now, why oh why would the CIA do that? Surely it's not because they're trying to protect Joe's son who he just loves SO MUCH, right? Whistleblower reveals CIA stonewalled interview with Hunter Biden business associate. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJOTfxZWcAAwyPD?format=jpg&name=large -- Huh. That seems kinda sorta corrupt, eh? Surely the CIA wants the truth and nothing but the truth or something like that, right? Why on Earth would they have done such a thing? Mike Benz believes he knows the real reason why: Hunter Biden was advancing a CIA project in Ukraine to swing the natural gas market towards NATO & that’s why he’s untouchable. -- Whoa. And yet nothing will be done.

Unfortunately, this is proving more true than not. We have yet to see anyone with a D by their names really being held accountable for their actions. There was a literal bag of cocaine in the WHITE HOUSE and they magically couldn't determine who it belonged to even though there are cameras everywhere. To Benz's point, it does feel like Hunter is untouchable and not just because Joe is his daddy. And he probably knows that.

• More at: Twitchy - Whistleblower 'BLOWS' It for Hunter Biden, Reveals CIA Was Working to Protect Joe's Son

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