Why is the government attempting to suppress COVID and COVID vaccine lawsuits

9 months ago

3/19/2024【Aila on The John Fredericks Show】Aila: Why is the government attempting to suppress COVID and COVID vaccine lawsuits and label them as a "misinformation campaign"? In fact, it's the CCP that has initiated the misinformation campaign!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #media #misinformation #COVID #COVIDvaccine
3/19/2024【小飞象做客The John Fredericks Show节目】小飞象:政府为何试图压制新冠及疫苗起诉并将其贴上“虚假信息运动”的标签?中共其实才是掀起一场传播虚假信息运动的始作俑者!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #媒体 #虚假信息 #新冠 #新冠疫苗

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