
1 year ago

3/15/2024 Recently, a fleet of Chinese Coast Guard vessels again entered Taiwan's restricted waters, stating they were conducting law enforcement patrols in the waters near Kinmen according to the law. Despite China's ongoing harassment of Taiwan, Taiwanese officials have stated there is no significant security threat. Traitors in Taiwan collaborating with the CCP have long deceived people, resulting in a consistently grim situation for the island.
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Taiwan #Kinmen
3/15/2024 中共海警舰艇编队近日再次侵入台湾禁水区,宣称在金门海域依法开展执法巡查。中共对台湾骚扰不断,而台湾官员却称无重大安全威胁。卖台贼和中共一直合作唱双簧欺骗民众,台湾局势不容乐观。
#中共 #消灭中共 #台湾 #金门

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