Do some people bring out THE WORST IN YOU?

11 months ago

Who knows that icky feeling after or during you’ve spent time with people, where you felt that you were not your best self? Unknowingly you’ve fit in to your detriment. We all know that who we spend our time with affects who we are and has a direct impact on the levels of success that we can reach. Understanding the feelings we experience when we realize we were not our best, because we perhaps reverted to old patterns or spent time with individuals who did not bring out the best in us is a useful tool in our personal growth toolkit. In those situations examine how your behavior was not aligned with your values and that version of yourself that you strive to be. Set yourself up for success by finding ways to surround yourself with people who are in alignment with your values and that version of you who you strive to be. When you’re unable to take yourself out of certain circles, practice awareness so that you can watch for the triggers that in the past would have caused you to act in ways counter to that which you strive to be. Lastly, ALWAYS be kind and respectful towards others, we all are on different paths, and your journey is not superior to someone elses.
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