WHO declared pandemic one day after $50M Bill Gates bribe, did not want to before (April 16, 2020)

10 months ago

Bill Gates is the source of 10% of WHO’s funding, so he has enormous influence according to the principles “Who pays, decides,” “He who pays the piper calls the tune,” and “Whose bread I eat, whose song I sing.” Gates is the source of a whopping $4 BILLION of WHO funding over the years. The CDC also receives ‘donations’ by Gates.

Even left-leaning Politico called Gates “The World Health Organization’s doctor.” When he wants a policy pushed, WHO’s bureaucrats often cave to his wishes.

So here we have an unelected guy with massive conflicts of interests who is unaccountable to anyone but himself, who gets to dictate WHO policies, which nearly all countries and MSM then slavishly follow.

Gates wanted to get the WHO to declare a COVID pandemic for a long time, but they refused. Just one day after Gates declared a $50 million infusion to find a coronavirus vaccine, much of which would go to the WHO, they suddenly declared the COVID pandemic.

Coincidence? I think not.

Gates is a philanthro-capitalist, which is a person who makes money by PRETENDING to be a philanthropist. For example, he first buys shares in BioNTech in September of 2019, whose gene therapy was used in the Pfizer jabs. He also spreads fear of a ‘killer virus’ with bogus statistics. Then when the price of these shares has increased by more than 10x, he sells all of them. Only after he has done that, does he say openly that COVID was a nothing burger of which only old, fat, sick people are at risk and which was not much worse than the seasonal flu, and the jabs don’t reduce transmission and only ‘work’ for a short time.

Gates seems to have learned this trick from John D. Rockefeller, who wanted to make money selling pharmaceutical drugs. He decided to sponsor medical education in universities, but after a short time it became clear that this sponsoring came with strings attached. Universities had to teach their students that all diseases were only to be treated with highly profitable, patented drugs.

Universiteit were to teach that all non-patentable, thus non-profitable interventions such vitamins, minerals, healthy diet and lifestyle, are useless or even dangerous. Universities who refused this soon found their sponsoring discontinued and went broke. This is how we ended up with brainwashed doctors who obediently follow protocols made by and for the pharmaceutical industry.

SOURCE: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6150008604001

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