The Anti-Sugar movement UnMASKED. Those 'Innocent' health videos are Bait & switch

10 months ago

Anti-carb truthers. Low-carb Wolfes in sheep's clothing. Lions be lyin.... selling sweet sugar lies. And they meat their maker with this video.

Shills for fat? But not just ANY fat. Those 'Innocent' health videos masquerading as wanting to get people get off 'sugar' are UN-masked as actually scaring people away from ANY carbs. Behind the mask are ANTI-VEGANS, Meat-shills out to save meat's image.

The "I Quit Sugar" movement UnMASKED

I've never made a video quite like the one that taught ME this truth. That video was about anti anti sugar, using the term "I Quit Sugar". And I noticed the particular hate I got in the comments. Exactly WHO are these people?

One guy cast 'shame' on me for the video. But why? I agreed that sugar is unhealthy. Looking elsewhere in his post, he tells a story of "when he tried a vegan diet" and had every condition he could think of writing. So is he only insulting me because of his meat-emotion issue?)

I have assumed that all this anti-sugar hoopla is just a bunch of anti-vegans trying to throw a monkey wrench into the field of diet to stop the vegan trend. Would it be surprising if anti-vegans and carnivores are behind the manipulative movement?

Here's a link to my video that got trolled by carnies
The "I QUIT SUGAR" Anti-Sugar Movement getting scary.
Un-Common Sense.
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