Cute Toddler Giggles Every Time His Sister Hits The Baby-Doll

6 years ago

Babies are both mysterious beings and over-researched, over-written about little humans that we think we completely understand. Still, we are always caught off guard when we find what makes a baby laugh… Take a look at this amazingly cute video of a toddler laughing while his sister hits a doll on the floor!

This video features a little blond girl in a pink velvet outfit sitting on top of a life-size doll that looks like a baby. She has squished herself up against a couch almost like she is trying to do the yoga movement, “Child’s Pose” with the baby doll. In front of her is her baby brother wearing a blue long-sleeved turtleneck. He is also wearing a pink, or possibly red, corduroy overalls. The baby boy is lying on the floor looking at his sister who is playing with the doll. What is surprising about this little boy is what makes him laugh.

There are some things that appear to make nearly every baby laugh. Things like the Peek-a-boo game, tickles, and funny faces. Like adults, there are commonalities that make all of us laugh. Within that, there are things that make us as individuals break up laughing.

This little baby boy seems to enjoy the brutality inflicted on the doll that looks like him. Every single time his sister lets the doll’s head hit the floor, the toddler cracks up laughing. While the description of this video might sound vile, believe us, it is nothing like that!

Watch the joy and laughter this baby boy takes in his sister’s baby doll… It’s infectious!

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