America’s Sheriff David Clarke To Host Badge Of Honor Cruise and Awards Gala

11 months ago

Straight Talk Podcast with America’s Sheriff David Clarke hosts inaugural Badge of Honor Cruise and Awards Gala!

America’s Sheriff David Clarke (Ret.) is one of the most prominent voices in support of law enforcement. He has worked tirelessly since his retirement to bring awareness to the services that officers do every day to protect this great country. While it seems the media only wants to sensationalize a few bad apples, and some politicians call for defunding the police and rewarding bad behavior, Sheriff Clarke wants to REWARD exceptional service and bring awareness that Cops Are The Good Guys!

Cruise Dates: Dec. 7-13, 2024
7 Day/6 Night Western Caribbean

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This event is managed by JL Wilkinson Consulting, LLC. Please contact Judy L Wilkinson - for more information.

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