Article 4718 Video - International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Mischief By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4718 Video - International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Mischief - Thursday, March 21, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Long ago in the very early 1900's, a series of Supreme Court cases known collectively as the Insular Tariff Cases cleared the way for what dissenting Justice Harlan prophetically called, "mischief".

The Insular Tariff cases allowed the USA, Inc., to collect taxes owed in the Territories and Possessions of the United States in the States themselves, and vice versa, so long as the entities that were being collected upon were Territorial Corporations or franchises thereof.

This goes back to the English Scheme of "enfranchising" the working class people and using this device to impersonate them as mere franchise corporations and thereby subject them to Maritime Law.

The British Territorial USA, Inc., wanted to create the same system in the Territories and Possessions and apply it to their employees and corporations organized in the Territories and Possessions. This would also allow them to collect "income taxes" and other "gift and estate taxes" from their own employees and from corporations registered under their auspices.

In the Insular Tariff Cases they were allowed to expand their activities and collect against Territorial Persons and Corporations residing in The United States.

However trivial this might at first appear and however justified (of course, they can "tax" their own employees for the privilege of enfranchisement, and they can tax corporations registered in Puerto Rico or Guam) it was an occasion for far greater and extra-territorial mischief than anyone but Justice Harlan could foresee.

Because they had already substituted their British Territorial State-of-State organizations for our American State-of-State organizations in the confusion after the Civil War, they already had the means to register large numbers of Territorial Corporations in The United States proper.

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