"Baby Girl Argues with Mom"

7 years ago

"Family life can be complicated and it is important to talk everything through in order to reach mutual understanding, the youngest family members included. If you think that babies can’t take part in a compelling debate, you absolutely have to watch this video! This woman is having a heated argument with her baby, but they don’t seem to get anywhere! Even though the little girl is trying her best, it feels like she just can’t reason with her mother! This baby girl is absolutely adorable while arguing with her mom! To be honest, that baby has a lot of valid points, even though she is speaking her own invented baby language! She might be giving some really helpful advice, but nobody seems to care! Come on, mom, give this baby a little credit! We just can’t handle this level of cuteness! There is no arguing that the baby should get the last word. Most adorable debate ever!"

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