Brian Hardin, Thomas Corbett-Dillon & Jared Julia on State of the Nation - 22 March 2024

10 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Brian Hardin is a native son of Scottsbluff, NE and, after a business career in Colorado, he moved back to his hometown, where he was elected last November to represent District 48 in Nebraska’s unicameral legislature. He is already hitting the ground running, being involved in passing important legislation involving Second Amendment rights, the right to life, and protecting our children from the transgender mania sweeping the nation.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Thomas Corbett-Dillon is a political consultant and "Social Media Guru". Best known for advising PM Boris Johnson, he and his team were often publicly referred to as the DigiKids by PM Boris Johnson. Thomas has advised a variety of politicians ranging from the UK & US, to Australia, Canada and even Serbia. Now a regular face on television, Thomas can often be seen commenting on the latest Presidential campaign tactics, international affairs and all things social media, on channels including Fox News, CNN, BBC, Sky News and many more. Thomas is now living in New York City and focused on the upcoming 2024 US election cycle.

GUEST 3 OVERVIEW: Jared Julia is not an academic, pundit, or part of an anointed elite. He is a parent who put two children through the local public school system in rural Maine and then through college in other New England states. Much like any parent, he cares deeply about his children's education and the education of his future grandchildren. Horrified by the woke indoctrination he saw firsthand in his kids' public school system, he started a journey to discover the origins of this destructive ideology that is being taught to our children as an unassailable fact.

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