Why'd You Post That!?! - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment

6 months ago

sports are a safe space for violence, thats why there’s no crying in baseball, or football, or HOCKEY…jesus christ, especially hockey…

which is why you’re presence is unwelcome because the best thing about sports is that its free from this type of bullshit, it’s an escape where we dont have to listen to women and moms and wives tell us to relax and slow down and be careful,

where we dont have to bring everything down to the lowest common level in the name of equality and where we can, even if just for two hours a week play a fucking hockey game and embrace the instinctual violence that we’re forced to suppress at every goddamn turn…

but no, this girl wants to play hockey and you bumped into her and hurt her feelings. I swear to god women want to cut the balls and pull the dick off of everything

Besides that, the idea of harassment as a negative in sports is laughable…Harassment is enshrined in sports…it’s called defense tand he entire point of defense is to harass the other person so they can’t do what their trying to do…it’s a literally pilar of sports.

The audacity…Ya know…actually, i think i see it now, i think that listening to this lady talk about sports and how men should act while playing sports is actually making me understand that I basically have no right talking about abortion

Because being lectured about what’s proper in sports by a woman is absolutely fucking infuriating…so i take it back, i actually have no opinion…ladies if you want to kill your babies, that’s your sport and men should stay out of it and keep the commentary to ourselves…and so should you

I think she wants this to be like a Jackie robinson story but This is far from a Jackie Robinson story…Jackie won people over thru achievement and fortitude and by proving he belonged not by crying…can you imagine…

coach one of the guys called me the n word and threw a baseball at my head…

Do something back bitch, that’s how it works score a goal, knock this guy down do something to earn the respect of your peers or else join a womens league…If you would have next play knocked that dude down you’d be drinking free that night and everybody would like you because that’s how we treat each other.

Its so we can find out who’s a pussy and who’s not, you talk shit and fuck with them and if they talk shit and fuck with you back they get respect, if they cry and demand an apology from the league director they’re a bitch. nobody cared or stuck up for you because nobody agreed with you…

That’s not mysogeny, that’s you being soft, that’s why they have girl leagues… why would you come in as the super-minority and demand preferential treatment but most importantly…why’d you post that?

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