Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz - March 22, 2024

6 months ago

Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada shares the “Wins of the Week” for March 22, 2024. Bringing you the latest news and positive updates in the areas of Legal, Political, and Medical, in Canada and around the world.


1. Former University of Kentucky Wildcats swimmer Riley Gaines and 15 other female athletes have filed suit against the NCAA alleging violations arising from its insertion of man-to-woman transgender athletes into women’s competition. The lawsuit was organized by the Independent Council on Women’s Sports, a group that exists to “promote and protect women’s sports.” The plaintiffs, who also include track, tennis and volleyball athletes, are demanding that the NCAA make rule changes to bar biological males from women’s competition, revoke awards previously given to men in women’s competitions, and also pay “damages for pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expense costs and other damages due to defendants’ wrongful conduct.”

2. The Information Commissioner of Canada has officially declared she will investigate the redactions on all the vaccine and PCR test contracts!

3. The United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Friday that government officials who post about work-related topics on their personal social media accounts can be held liable for violating the First Amendment rights of constituents by blocking their access or deleting their comments. The court ruled as a result of two cases where people were blocked by the government officials after leaving critical comments on their social media accounts.

4. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on March 19 that the FBI must face a lawsuit filed by a man who was placed on the bureau’s “no-fly list,”. “The government argued the case was moot because the individual has been removed from the no-fly list. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in a unanimous ruling that the case is not moot. The Supreme Court’s decision is a major blow to the FBI who have placed almost two million people on their secret lists. “This is but the latest indication that the FBI’s secret watchlists have no place in our country,” stated the attorney representing the plaintiffs.

5. The lawyer for a B.C. nurse facing a disciplinary hearing over her gender-related comments online told the regulatory body that if the disciplinary panel rules against the nurse, it would be “a disaster for the standing of the nursing profession” in the public eye. “It would suggest that the institution is incapable of the political neutrality required to govern the profession in the public interest,”. The lawyer also questioned whether it was reasonable to assume that anything said by someone belonging to a regulatory body is “fair game for regulation.” ”It is not unprofessional or irresponsible to raise concerns about a dramatic and rapid change to all of society predicated on the apparent notion that gender identity trumps all other interests and rights.”

6. More press on the Accountability Project. The Faulkner Show, entitled – Meet the Canadians taking Justin Trudeau to court, interviewed Eddie Cornell, a veteran in the CAF for over 20 years had his bank account unconstitutionally frozen by a government order for his participation in the Freedom Convoy. Cornell and 19 other plaintiffs have filed a multimillion dollar civil lawsuit against Justin Trudeau, senior members of his cabinet, Canada’s five major banks along with several credit unions, the RCMP, the Ottawa Police and the Canadian Anti-hate Network. Watch the interview here

7. This week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case involving “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” This case reminds us that the First Amendment isn’t just about protecting freedom of speech — but also the freedom to hear states Children’s Health Defence who is involved in the legal action. Suppressing vital information that can change the course of one’s life is not only unconstitutional, it’s detrimental to the health and well-being of future generations. CHD gathered together 15 speakers, each one impacted by censorship, including Del Bigtree, Pierre Kory, M.D., Paul Marik, M.D., Mikki Willis, and more. Our Founding Fathers would be proud.

“The First Amendment is the First Amendment for a reason. Free speech is the fount of all other rights — of assembly, of conscience, of everything.

“We’re not done yet. And no matter how the Supreme Court comes out on this, we know that the threat of a kind of totalitarian censorship is real — worldwide at this point.”


8. British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen has called for the death penalty for Bill Gates and the “Covid cabal” which he said committed “crimes against humanity” during the Covid pandemic. “Heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public,” declared Bridgen. Bridgen said he has reached out to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley and is organizing a meeting where experts and whistleblowers will present evidence to demonstrate criminal activities conducted by senior members of the UK government and civil service during the pandemic.

9. A former chair of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is speaking out against the Trudeau government’s proposed “Online Harms” bill. During a March 13 interview, lawyer and former chair of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal David Thomas blasted Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act, which could jail Canadians for “hate speech”. “If this passes, God help us, because I don’t know where it will go,” he lamented. “The reason I am speaking out right now is that nobody who is on the tribunal is free to speak, they’re like judges sitting on the bench,… That’s why I think it’s important for somebody with inside knowledge to convey these concerns about this legislation,” Thomas stated.

10. Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis is again publicly criticizing the Liberal government for their relationship with the World Economic Forum. Her comments are in response to an order paper she submitted in June 2023 asking for details about all federal government engagements with the WEF, including contracts, transfer payments, and memoranda of understanding. The report revealed that Trudeau paid nearly half a million dollars to the WEF to produce a report promoting the carbon tax, and has paid more than $23 M to the WEF since 2015. Ms. Lewis has been the foremost critic of the WEF within the Conservative ranks. She has routinely unearthed information about cooperation between Ottawa and the WEF through access-to-information requests available to MPs.

11. Educators in Wyoming may no longer teach children about sexual orientation or gender identity without parental consent or withhold from parents signs that their child is struggling with gender confusion thanks to a new law. The new law states that school districts in the state must “notify a student’s parent or guardian as soon as practicable if there is a change in the student’s educational, physical, mental or emotional health or wellbeing,” respect parents’ “fundamental right” to “make decisions regarding the care and control of their children” and receive “written or electronic permission” from parents or guardians prior to “any trainings, courses or classes that address sexual orientation or gender identity.” It also prohibits schools from denying parents access to any of “their student’s education, behavior, health and other records within a reasonable time.” The bill cleared both chambers of the Wyoming Legislature by overwhelming margins. Republican Gov. Mark Gordon objected to the bill yet ultimately declined to veto it.

12. Recently the CDC published a 148-page report on myocarditis after COVID-19 injection. However, every single word is redacted. Dr. Peter McCullough responded by declaring that we’re witnessing an “active cover-up” of a “colossal consumer product safety debacle.” independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. blasting the health agency’s decision to withhold its 148-page myocarditis report from the public. “The level of arrogance and contempt for the public in releasing a 100% redacted document is staggering. Kennedy continued. “Without transparency, there is no such thing as democracy. When I’m President, the CDC won’t get to decide what the public can see. Everything will be out in the open, and you won’t need a FOIA request to read any taxpayer-funded data.”

13. A new Alabama law that bans state agencies, local boards of education, and institutions of higher education from sponsoring so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs or offices, was signed into law on Wednesday by Gov. Kay Ivey. An amended version of the bill was initially passed by the House of Representatives on March 7, with the Senate approving the changes in a 25–4 vote this week. Under the measure, “divisive concepts” about race, color, religion, sex, ethnicity, or national origin would be banned from being taught or sponsored by a state agency, local board of education, or public institution of higher education, such as public universities and colleges. Additionally, the bill would prohibit public universities from allowing individuals to use a restroom that is different from their biological sex.

14. Three very successful Town halls were held in British Columbia last week – Victoria, Kelowna and Penticton. And dozens more are organized in the coming weeks. Crowds of 300 – 400 people took in information about the various bills and government actions that undermine our rights and freedoms, most especially the right to free speech and the right to property. A website has been created to support the development of town halls across Canada and includes templates to make the job easy for organizers.

15. A Radio-Canada journalist is defending her investigative report that exposed a “gender” clinic in Quebec for prescribing potentially sterilizing hormones in less than ten minutes. In a March 3 interview Radio-Canada journalist Pasquale Turbide stands by her work despite backlash. The documentary, published by Radio-Canada delved into the dangers of giving children “puberty blockers” as well as the regrets of detransitioners, people who have undergone irreversible surgeries in an attempt to “change” their gender but now regret it.

16. In a letter from Dr. Robert Dickson, founder of Safe Water Calgary to the Washington Ministry of Health, Dickson writes: “The science has and is speaking volumes! In the long-delayed National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report, 64 out of 72 studies show neurotoxicity. That is brain damage in any language! And to possibly save 1/2-1 cavity in a lifetime? It’s time to put water fluoridation where it belongs—in the Museum of Failed Medical Practices!”

17. In a letter from Dr. Robert Dickson, founder of Safe Water Calgary to the Washington Ministry of Health, Dickson writes: “The science has and is speaking volumes! In the long-delayed National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report, 64 out of 72 studies show neurotoxicity. That is brain damage in any language! And to possibly save 1/2-1 cavity in a lifetime? It’s time to put water fluoridation where it belongs—in the Museum of Failed Medical Practices!”

18. Vaccine Choice Canada has written a position paper on the risk of vaccine hesitancy given the current media attention given to a few cases of measles. The evidence is clear that measles is not a risk to Canadians, that the measles vaccine is neither safe nor effective in providing life-long immunity. The measles vaccine has never been tested against a true placebo, therefore the claims that the vaccine has been proven safe are false. The mortality of measles declined over 98% before the introduction of the vaccine in 1963.. The position paper can be read here:

19. On March 7, the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development held a hearing titled, “Divisive, Excessive, Ineffective: The Real Impact of DEI on College Campuses.” During the testimony, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, former associate dean of curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, and chair of the medical nonprofit Do No Harm, raised great concerns about the DEI initiative in medical schools and warned of its potential consequences. “DEI is dangerous everywhere, but it’s most dangerous in medical schools,” Dr. Goldfarb raised the alarm. Your future doctors are learning about divisive politics at the expense of life-saving care. They’re being taught to discriminate by race, not treat patients equally. Ultimately, your future doctor is being trained to be an activist,” he warned. “If we don’t restore medical school to its real mission, Americans will inevitably suffer a diminished quality of health care.”

20. As of February 26th the Nova Scotia Health Authority announced that ‘evolving evidence’ has now shown that a requirement for vaccination is no longer supported for their healthcare workers. In a letter to staff, the health authority stated that this change “reflects our commitment to respecting the choices and autonomy of our staff members”. A second letter then invites employees who were terminated for exercising their right to medical choice to return to work. While we are pleased to report on this positive step toward supporting the rights of these Canadians, it does not bear the hallmark of sincerity. It is more likely that they are only backing down because of the severe shortages of qualified health professionals in Canada, shortages exacerbated by their very policies.


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