Owen Jones | I Quit Labour After 24 Years. This Is The Alternative.

11 months ago

March 21, 2024.

James Keir Hardie (15 August 1856 – 26 September 1915) was a Scottish trade unionist and politician. He was a founder of the Labour Party, and served as its first parliamentary leader from 1906 to 1908.

Owen Jones

Think there's no hope? Think again. This is how:

Video on YouTube: I Quit Labour After 24 Years.

This Is The Alternative.

https://wedeservebetter.uk/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJfR3QxZV9Wc2hkOUx5bDJOUktiOGhSX2lJQXxBQ3Jtc0tuaV9EdGJNdHJKVUVRTFo0eURKNW94cy13S21PWm8xWmFMNUFCLVhkWjB6bWpPcF9LaFl5VmE2blhfdDJFaVlEMmktdWJfdnp1a3Y0cTV4bTc3azZ4V3Y4dVBCTVc5d2pkRF8tZUo4VURGZHJnbVVrRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwedeservebetter.uk%2F&v=fxBEaJWJNJk)

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