The alarming examples of Divine punishment of heretics, in their canonical and doctrinal blindness...21 March, 2024 AD

9 months ago

Video publication produced and published by the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile) on the Feast of St. Benedict, Abbot, Commemoration of the Feria 5 after Dominica de Passione......21 March, 2024 AD...

The alarming examples of Divine punishment of heretics, in their canonical and doctrinal blindness...21 March, 2024 AD

Official Publication of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the evident and Divinely imposed (and very alarming) lack of proper understanding of heretics, in terms of their doctrinal and canonical blindness and self-evident inability to properly explain the consequences of the Canon Law constraints in matters regarding the APOSTATE pro-communist neo-Protestant Novus Ordo Sect, particularly evident in this Sect of Satan defenders, the SSPX heretics, (and to a certain degree) the heretics of SSPX-MC and SSPV, them sacrilegiously tolerating this Sect and its abominations, and thus them remaining its heretical collaborators, as God is not helping such enemies of His Roman Catholic Church to recognize and publicly declare the truth, as they don't love the Truth Himself and thus (scandalously and very appallingly) don't entertain any fear of God's punishment, which in fact is seriously hanging over them, and over all who dare to frequent such places of heretics, despite the canonical prohibitions of the 1917 Code of Canon Law, properly declared and imposed, in light of these present time serious circumstances, with canonical punitive censures, by this Holy Apostolic See, including excommunication for schism, heresy and apostasy, specially reserved to the judgment of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pope Jacobus I (Canon 2314, 1917 Code of Canon Law)...

The restoration of the Catholic Church is seriously hampered by the diabolically driven evil and heretical influence of the heretics (SSPX, SSPX - MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics) and of the Vatican occupying non-Catholic pro-communist APOSTATE Novus Ordo Sect.

- ALL the heretics and sectarian apostates, and therefore enemies of God, are thus excommunicated by the Decree of the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), given on 15th Day of May, 2021 AD...

- and the true requirements for valid admission into the Roman Catholic Church

- Decree of the Holy Apostolic See on 20 April 2022 AD, concerning the Laws of the Sanctuary...Apostolic Constitution “Sanctuarium Nostrum protegens” of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, on the subject of the protection of the Laws of the Sanctuary, exposing the heretical and also idolatrous errors of the this Official Catholic Church Infallible Doctrinal Document the true Holy Apostolic See, in the person of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff Jacobus I anathematizes and fully condemns ALL contrary practice and heretical fraudulent unapproved customs of the already IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and of the sedevacantist heretics, and of the non-Catholic APOSTATE diabolically driven pro-communist Sect Novus Ordo, under the pain of excommunication...

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