Mix it with coffee yogurt and you will be amazed! Bake a coffee cake

11 months ago

Mix it with coffee yogurt and you will be amazed! Bake a coffee cake

Appearances and discounts:
170 g Yogurt.
Fügen Sie 2 Esslöffel Kaffee hinzu.
Good to die.
180 g sugar.
Fügen Sie 2 Eier hinzu.
Beat with the mixer.
Add coffee and yogurt mixture.
Give 100 ml of vegetable oil.
Add 100 ml milk milk.
Add 10 g of back powder.
Good to die.
Add 240 g of white meat.
Gut death, um Klumpen zu vermeiden.
It has a 24 cm large runner with butter.
With Mehl bestreuen, 1 EL.
Distribute the day in the run form.
At 180 ° C it takes 25-30 minutes in the open.

View the train to:
100 ml of Sahne (33% Sahne).
250 g of mascarpone.
70 g Powder sugar.
With a mixer 7-8 minutes long with a good beating and 15 minutes long in the cooler.
Distribute the cream.
You can decorate the cakes with your wünschen.
They are decorated with chocolate bars.
Good appetite!

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