Grace upon grace, the salvation of a ruthless enemy. 3/21/24 TN

6 months ago

We have a Bible based, Christian heritage Constitutional Republic, God help us to keep it. Nathan Bedford Forrest is one of the most fascinating Christian stories in American history. Most historians don't understand what happened to change his heart just years before his death. We know as born-again Christians that the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ can even take a hardened racist and formidable General of the Confederacy against Abraham Lincoln and the Union to his knees and bring him to repent and trust in the Savior of the world, including the Lord and Savior to black people. If you get a chance, do some of your own research about this amazing story of how a ruthless hatred filled man can be changed by the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This attached article is very moving, it shows us once again how powerful the word of God and the Holy Spirit can convince and convict a sinner to repent and ask Jesus to save them. This sinner, was a truthless killer in the Confederate Army and yet in the closing years of his life, got saved and helped black people so much, that black people loved him. Praise God for HIS marvelous mercy and grace. John 1:16 "And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace."
March 21st, 2024, Nathan Bedford Forrest National State Park.

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