Episode 436: Speaker Johnson’s Failures Leading To Complete Economic Thralldom – Herding The CIN

11 months ago

Full description and references at: https://bit.ly/3vpfMNF
Last weeks program is missing since I had a lot of study to prepare for this weeks ‘Speaker Johnson’s Failures Leading To Complete Economic Thralldom – Herding The CIN.’ Johnson is Herding the CIN problem in the House of Representatives. More on CIN in ‘The Rest of The Story Section.’ The reality is that his failures have begun at the pulpit of every Congressional Member ‘identifying’ as Christian. According to the referenced #3 Pew Report, we have a great majority which have ‘identified’ as a Christian Congress. Does this mean we have Christian Nationalism?

I take the position of failure for Speaker Johnson in that the economic policies as well as the majority of legislation being brought forward for passage in the House, is not in alignment with his adult life efforts at the Alliance Defending Freedom, nor his time with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is not alone in these failures of policy and law. There are many particular failures stampeding the Citizenry into economic thralldom. These failures also extend to the numerous Protestants and few Catholics in Congress, who but for a few, ‘identify’ with a god/religion contrary to Foundational Christianity. Therefore, they act and vote according to the theology of that or those contrarian god(s). Along with these National Congressional Christians, don’t forget the multitudes of bureaucrats across all levels of governance who ‘identify’ as Christian but bow to another by doing the bidding of the god – the state.

Down the Rabbit Hole
Regarding the topics of Economic Thralldom, Economic Theology and Congress Members ‘identifying’ as Christian is a major rabbit hole, or I should say black hole, that I can easily run us all deeply down into. Additionally in the Reference section, there is a lot of information as to what real and meaningful legislation or resolutions Speaker Johnson sponsored – Well, not so meaningful, just typical for the Establishment feel good or tweaking law type stuff. Again, you can go to the references to see what he sponsored, co-sponsored and how he voted during his time in Congress.

All I can asses respecting Speaker Johnson and the 118th Congress is that we have and can expect ‘more of the same road apples in the parade with no shovels and buckets that followup on the droppings.’ Imagine that marching band, never breaking formation having to follow on.

The following quote is not out of place for this week. When you really have a complete understanding of the full content of this posting: That of Congress being Christian.

Sam Adams wrote:
This was the dire effect of their foolish adulation of their Governor, while they professed to observe a day set apart in honor to the King of kings. - Their thanksgiving began with prophaness & ended in idolatry; or rather it began & ended with both. There is no question but the priests were the vicegerents of the Governor, or his heralds to publish his impious proclamations to the people. But is it not strange that the people were so king-ridden and priest-ridden, especially in matters which concern'd their Religion, as to look upon the joint authority of their Governor and Clergy, sufficient to justify them in sinning against the authority of God himself: and in acting in open violation of his law, revealed to them from Heaven with signs and miracles at Mount Sinai, and register'd in their book of the law, as well as engrav'd on the tables of their hearts!

Where We Are
Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3vpfMNF

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