DEBATE: Is the TikTok Bill a Trojan Horse for Government Censorship? | Glenn TV | Ep 341 Glenn Beck

11 months ago

Glenn Beck | DEBATE: Is the TikTok Bill a Trojan Horse for Government Censorship? | Ep 341 - One of the hottest questions happening online and at the dinner table right now is: What do we do about TikTok? The app has 150 million active users in the United States. The average American spends 82 minutes a day on the platform.

That’s TRIPLE the time the average user spends on Snapchat or Twitter and twice what the average user spends on Instagram or Facebook. It’s so addictive, but why? Did you know that China has stated that the algorithm running TikTok is one of its MAJOR national security assets? A Chinese propaganda analyst has said, “The one who wins the platform [TikTok] wins the world.”

We can all agree that something has to be done about TikTok ... but is the recent bill from Congress the answer? Glenn reveals the full text of the bill to let you decide for yourself and brings in two congressmen he respects to help him come to a conclusion. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) are both strong champions of the Constitution but on opposite sides of the House’s recent TikTok bill. Roy was one of the bill’s lead cosponsors, and Massie has called the bill a “Trojan Horse.”

After hearing both arguments, Glenn gives his final thoughts. Yes, we’re in a war with China, but we’re also at war with communism and fascism and oligarchs ... in our own country! Can we repair this country by giving more power to the government?

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0:00: How China influences uses TikTok to influence Americans.
11:44 What’s REALLY in the TikTok bill?
21:22 Debate between Rep. Chip Roy & Rep. Thomas Massie.
43:44 Glenn’s final position on the TikTok bill.

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