Jusper Machogu - The Truth of The Anti-Fossil Fuel Movement | EP 1

11 months ago

Jusper Machogu - The Truth of The Anti-Fossil Fuel Movement | EP 1

Jusper Machogu is a Kenyan farmer and agricultural engineer who is a fossil fuels for Africa activist. He recently appeared in the film "Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth"

In this episode, we discuss the reality of fossil fuels and climate change, the real reason behind the climate narrative of the UN and Western lobbyists and why they're 'racist', why solar and wind energy is a scam, and how Kenya's OWN government is preventing their country from developing.

Follow Jusper on X: @JusperMachogu

I'm a 15-year-old from Scotland committed to fighting the evil and oppressive New World Order. I reject allowing government to control every aspect of our lives under the false pretext of climate change and the UN's Agenda 2030 goals.

Follow me on X to read my full articles & other posts: @RParlane

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