Do you know, there have been Secret Societies Controlling Our Governments for hundreds of years?

11 months ago

A Incredible video from End Times Productions! Make sure you pay these guys a visit and Thumbs Up And subscribe for all their incredible work!
Do You Know? Episode 5
Do you know, there have been Secret Societies Controlling all of Our Governments for hundreds of years?
Myron C. Fagan: The Illuminati and the C.F.R [Council of Foreign Relations] (1967)
Have You ever Wondered? HOW So Few People, can have so much Control, over so many People? It's Not just Gag Order Signed Contracts, or the fear of Prison, That Keeps Everyone in line! The Fear of Death! That's What Keeps Everyone in Line!
Only a society with no morals, can do the evil Deeds being done to the people! That's why They Pushed Everybody from Faith! So They would be in Fear! Trust Me, I'm Not Scared to Die! For Me, it is just a Change of Address!✝️Have Faith Warriors! They may Take My Life! But They'll Never Take My Soul!
Want to Welcome all the New Warriors to Our Platform!⚔️I have Spent Hours Searching for You All! Sharing My Videos & My Message to Platforms, All over Twitter, looking for the Warriors, that still Cares about this Planet!🌎
📵We must put down the Hypnosis Devices, Mad Scientist have Created for Us to be Deceived, Divided, and Distracted! We have No Choice!⚔️We Must Unite and Fight these Lunatics that are Controlling every Aspect of Our Lives!
🎣Commercial Fisherman, Standing By! We Must Realize, We are Under Hypnosis!
👮OUR Uniformed Personnel! Must Stand With The People! Not The Corporate Corrupt Government! We Have Today!🆘👇
Real Fishing Life is now accepting donations, from the Warriors that can afford to Help Keep the Wheels on this Truth Train, a Rolling! Even a Dollar Donation💸 can make a Difference!🙏❤️

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