Mouth of Prophets - Jewish HaShkafa (128)

11 months ago

The Gemara (Megillah) says that Am Yisrael had over 1.2 million prophets in their history, yet we only have 55 mentioned in the Tanach. They were selected to be included in the eternal book due to their prophecy being relevant to every generation rather than just their own.

What were these prophets like, and how did they carry themselves? These are some of the questions the Chazon Ish will help us understand, so we can apply to our lives and perhaps at least act like the sons and daughters of prophets. Enjoy, share and Be Holy.


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PURIM 5784 MaChatzit HaShekel and Matanot LaEvyonim


No need to guess with your Mitzvah's anymore. BeEzrat HaShem Inc. knows many righteous families of Talmidie Chachamim (Torah Scholars) in Eretz Yisrael that are struggling to feed their household. PURIM IS ONE OF THE CRITICAL TIMES OF THEY YEAR TO HELP THE POOR. WHAT BETTER CHOICE IS THERE THAN TO FEED POOR TZADIKIM AND THEIR FAMILIES? While Mishloach Manot is a Mitzvah each person needs to handle on their own,

We're here to help you with your MATANOT LaEvyonim & MaChatzit HaShekel. HELP US CANCEL THE DIFFICULT DECREES ON THE WORLD TODAY.

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0:00:00 Introduction
0:03:42 From the Day that the Holy Temple was Destroyed, Prophecy was Taken from the Prophets and Given to Deranged People and to Children (Bava Basra 12b)
0:06:57 Exception: A Dream is a Sixtieth Part of Prophecy (Berachos 57b)
0:09:12 News Today vs News at Times of Prophets
0:11:45 A Torah Scholar is Greater than a Prophet
0:12:50 Nation of Israel: Children of Prophets
0:13:13 Many Prophets Arose for Israel, Double Those Who Left Egypt; 55 Prophets in Tanach (Megillah 14a)
0:14:36 Why Prophets were Called "Crazy Ones"
0:16:14 Why Yonah HaNavi Ran Away; Prophets Inside & Outside Israel
0:19:42 Prophets Requirements
0:20:50 G-d's Communication as Perceived by the Prophets
0:25:06 G-d's Master Plan: Includes His Creations Becoming Prophets by Overcoming Their Evil Inclination (Chazon Ish)
0:29:58 Adam HaRishon was Created with Power of Prophecy & Commanded to Observe Seven Negative Mitzvot
0:32:03 Adam HaRishon's Failed Test, Not of the Seven Mitzvot
0:32:45 613 Mitzvot & Chukim (Unspoken Laws)
0:34:36 Not Violating the Halacha, But Violating the Chok
0:40:45 Must Be Subservient to the Torah & Chachamim
0:42:45 Adam HaRishon's Power of Prophecy & His Allotted Years to King David as His Tikkun
0:45:40 First-Hand Accounts of Cave of Machpelah
0:51:51 Different Levels of Prophets (Rambam)
0:53:11 Moshe Viewed His Prophecy Through a Clear Glass (Yevamos 49b) (Veils & Character Traits)
0:55:16 Prophecy Prerequisites: Wise (Torah Knowledge) & Wealthy (Ethical Virtues) (Rambam to Shab. 92a)
0:56:38 Who is a Rich Man? He Who is Happy with His Share (Avos 4)
0:57:08 Prophets Shlomo & David HaMelech (Rambam)
1:00:20 Eliyahu HaNavi's Zealousness (Sanh. 113b)
1:01:08 Prerequisites of Being Zealous
1:03:04 Flaws of the Greats, Yet Still Received Prophecy, At Different Levels
1:04:41 Clarity of Moshe's Prophecy vs Other Prophets
1:07:25 Moshe Viewed His Prophecy Through a Clear Glass (cont.)
1:10:10 Fake Humility, The Highest Level of Arrogance
1:11:30 Moshe Rabbeinu's Highest Level of Humility
1:13:16 Other Prophets Compared to Prophet Moshe Rabbeinu
1:14:30 Who Hashem Won't Choose as Prophets & Bilaam
1:16:24 We Have Same Tools as a Prophet, Torah & Mouth
1:17:06 Three Categories of Blessings & Purpose of All Blessings (Rambam)
1:19:05 Declaring G-d as Only Creator—Fear of His Majesty (R. Elazar Menachem Man Shach)
1:21:19 Mindful Blessings Helps Control Desires
1:22:22 The Power of the Mouth
1:28:58 Why Am Yisrael is Compared to a Worm: Fear not, O worm of Jacob (Ben Ish Chai to Isaiah 41 v. 14)
1:30:53 The Dangers of Talking & Frivolous Behavior in Shul
1:37:43 G-d Wants Our Heart
1:39:25 Conclusion
1:42:56 Be'Ezrat HaShem: Make Eternal Investments

Mouth of Prophets - Jewish HaShkafa (128)

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