#19 - Strength & The Menstrual Cycle

11 months ago

In this Episode, we discuss the impact of the menstrual cycle in regards to various aspects of training - strength / resistance training in particular.
00:00:00-00:03:48 - Introduction
00:03:49-00:11:40 - Menstrual Cycle Background & Overview
00:11:41-00:12:35 - Changes in Bioavailable Testosterone.
00:12:36-00:16:50 - Neuromuscular Performance Changes.
00:16:51-00:20:06 - Data for Hormonal Effects.
00:20:07-00:24:09 - Is there an Impact of the Menstrual Cycle?
00:24:10-00:32:03 - Importance of Coaching & Environmental Support.
00:32:04-00:35:14 - Menstrual Cycle on Strength & Power Outcomes.
00:35:15-00:38:48 - Umbrella Review Topics.
00:38:49-00:45:10 - Importance of Menstrual Cycle Detection Methods.
00:45:11-00:45:28 - Smotyn o Drafferth...
00:45:29-53:21 - Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Resistance Training.
00:53:22-00:58:08 - Critical Evaluation of Menstrual Cycle-based Training & Overall Summary.
00:58:09-01:08:42 - Impact of Menstrual Cycle Symptoms on Psychological Factors & Performance.
01:08:43-01:19:42 - General Remarks, Summary & Outro.
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1. Constantini, N. W., Dubnov, G., & Lebrun, C. M. (2005). The Menstrual Cycle and Sport Performance. Clinics in Sports Medicine, 24, e51-e82.
2. Birch, K., & Reilly, T. (2002). The Diurnal Rhythm in Isometric Muscular Performance Differs with Eumenorrheic Menstrual Cycle Phase. The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research, 19, (4), 731-742.
3. Elliot, K. J., Cable, N. T., Reilly, T., & Diver, M. J. (2003). Effect of Menstrual Cycle on the Concentration of Bioavailable 17-ß Oestradiol and Testosterone and Muscle Strength. Clinical Science, 105, 663-669.
4. Weidauer, L., Zwart, M. B., Clapper, J., Albert, J., Vokuvich, M., & Specker, B. (2020). Neuromuscular Performance Changes Throughout Menstrual Cycle in Physically Active Females. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 20, (3), 314-324.
5. Pallavi, L. C., Souza, U. J. D., & Shivaprakash, G. (2017). Assessment of Musculoskeletal Strength and Levels of Fatigue During Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 11, (2), CC11-CC13.
6. Kose, B. (2018). Analysis of the Effect of Menstrual Cycle Phases on Aerobic-Anaerobic Capacity and Muscle Strength. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6, (8), 23-28.
7. Findlay, R., Eilidh, M., Whyte, I., Easton, C., & Forrest (nee Whyte), L. (2020). How Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation Affect Sporting Performance: Experiences and Perceptions of Elite Female Rugby Players. British Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0306-3674.
8. Brown, N., Knight, C. J., & Forrest (nee Whyte), L. (2021). Elite Female Athletes' Experiences and Perceptions of the Menstrual Cycle on Training and Sport Performance. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 31, (1), 52-69.
9. Dasa, M. S., Kristoffersen, M., Ersvaer, E., Bovim, L. P., ... & Haukener, I. (2021). The Female Menstrual Cycle Effect on Strength and Power Parameters in High-Level Female Team Athletes. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 1-9.
10. Colenso-Semple, L. M., D'Souza, A. C., Elliot-Sale, K. J., & Phillips, S. M. (2023). Current Evidence Shows No Influence of Women's Menstrual Cycle Phase on Acute Strength Performance or Adaptations to Resistance Exercise Training. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, 1-9.
11. Bauman, J. E. (1981). Basal Body Temperature: Unreliable Method of Ovulation Detection. Fertility and Sterility, 36, (8), 729-733.
12. Dam, T. V., Dalgaard, L. B., Sevdalis, V., Bibby, B. M., ... & Hansen, M. (2022). Muscle Performance During the Menstrual Cycle Correlates with Psychological Well-Being, but Not Fluctuations in Sex Hormones. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, 54, (10), 1678-1689.

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