What really happened at the Tower of Babel?

10 months ago

What really happened at the Tower of Babel?

- In 3470 BC, the (Galactic Federation, Luciferian Pleidian, Niburian Annunaki off planet races) using their on planet human illumniati servants stole the Arc of the Covenant Gold box which contained the rod and the staff star gate opening tools…

- They started using the stolen Arc of the Covenant tools in Babylon to run reverse- bi-wave frequencies into the grids of Mother Earth

- At the same time, they were also sending reverse frequencies from Nibiru (the planet where many off planet fallen Annunaki live) into the massive stones in Stonehenge and these frequencies together created a planetary magnetic grid collapse - it messed with original celestial human DNA - blocking the kundalini flow (D1-9) causing a memory wipe of it’s true history, multi-dimensional self/connection to the soul, celestial origins, and scrambling natural language patterns - this was recorded as the Tower of Babel story in the Bible.

- Good news is we are in a new golden age cycle: we are re-membering, we are multi-dimensional, we are ancient… and we are the Ones we’ve Waited for for many lifetimes. Higher oscillation always entrains lower vibration. The Inner Christos Reclamation Mission is just getting started… and love wins ❤️

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