Pompeo Believes the CCP Created the New Coronavirus in a Laboratory

6 months ago

03/20/2024 Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: I believe CCP should be responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Because CCP created the covid-19 in a laboratory and they intentionally hid the truth about the virus from the world, and then sent thousands of people around the world to transmit this virus. But the world hasn’t done enough to hold the CCP accountable. There is no accountability in any material way to date for what Xi Jinping did to the world.
03/20/2024 前美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥:我认为中共应对新冠疫情负责,因为他们在实验室制造了新冠病毒,并故意向全世界隐瞒了该病毒的真相,然后派出数千人到世界各地传播这个病毒。但全世界并未采取足够措施来追究中共的责任。习近平对全世界的所作所为,迄今为止还没有受到任何实质性的追责。

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