The Origins of the Jesuit Order - Ignatius of Loyola. An Unholy Agenda

11 months ago

The Origins of the Jesuit Order - Ignatius of Loyola. An Unholy Agenda
Ignatius of Loyola was from the Basque Nobility and a Marrano Crypto Jew Conversos to Catholicism who was a member of the Aluminados, a precursor to the Illuminati. He was being persecuted by the Catholic Church, until he promised to the Pope to Create a Private Army for him...
Alumbrados on Wikipedia:
The alumbrados (Spanish pronunciation: [alumˈbɾaðos], Illuminated) were the practitioners of a mystical form of Christianity in the Crown of Castile during the 15th–16th centuries. Some alumbrados were only mildly heterodox, but others held views that were clearly heretical, according to the contemporary rulers. Consequently, they were firmly repressed and became some of the early victims of the Spanish Inquisition.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not necessarily agree with everything in this video. It is not entirely a Historical Scholarly Work. But includes theoretical opinions and interpretation of theology.
21,542 views April 4, 2022
Ezekiel 33:3
We look at some of the very interesting history surrounding the Jesuit Order and Ignatius of Loyola. We will look at information provided by the Jesuits and also quotes from those outside of the Jesuit order. We will also look at the Spiritual Teachings of Ignatius Loyola and how they relate to the Bible.
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