Song: Tre Cime di Lavaredo by Uncovering Within

1 year ago

All ''Uncovering Within'' songs plus streaming links can be found at along with music by 21 other bands.
Most of the music and non music things I have going including music collaborations over the net can be found at
I am open to collaborations and doing soundtracks for projects large to small, please drop me a line if you'd like to talk.
No AI (Artificial Intelligence) used in the music and video.
(Unless some copyright free content used in the video portion is AI and I am not aware it is when choosing to use it)
ALL is human imagined, human written, human engineered, human played, human mixed, human mastered, human produced, human shared.
Copyright free pics used in this video thanks to Andreas -, Davide Lorenzon, Diego Ferrari, Elia Pinzin, Joerg Hartmann, Massimiliano Bareman, Philipp Martin, Reinhard Bruckner, Simon Migaj, Stijn Dijkstra and Tomáš Malík at

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