Spiritual Messenger Gematria

11 months ago

Spiritual Messenger Gematria Title is from the date March 21, 2024thus we have 32 which adds to #5 the Hierophant card a Spiritual Messenger or a darik pope who9 hides pedo rapist priests and I pulled up a gematria caloculato0r on the phrase form yesterday's energy vlog The emperor with tmeprance consults the hanged Man about his world conquest.

We started with the Planet Astrologically Today site and the Leo Moon's transit. the Leo Moon trines Chiron and Mercury in Aries , squares Uranus in Taurus. The Sun in Aries setiles Piuto in Aquaerius hoorah!. The Leo moon then gets contiscous with a T square of Neptune in its sign of pisces and Opposes Mars in Aquarius.

The Gematria calculator take on the phrase The Emperor with temperance consult the hanged man about his World Conquest with a numerical value of 4593 to which it brought up many phrases with the same value such as : John The Baptist Claimed To Be Christ Just Like Steven James Dishon
If They Can Leave The Earth How Come They Fear Their Coming Judgement
Jesus Christ Was Not The Author Of The New Testament
This lost one is true the books of the new testament were written after his death.
I Went with the Starseed oracle decki and pulled tow cards the first was the Cracked open card hitting rock bottom ; surrendering to the alochemy of loife or what ia call spiritual alchemy. Next we have the Earthed card, Learning how to be human. In the World but not of it. Grounded yet multidimensional in our consciousness.
The planets today astrology site:
Gematria Calculator site:

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