Poe's Dark Tales

6 months ago

In somber halls where shadows dance,
I dwell in melancholy trance.
Longing for the bleak resolve,
Of Poe's dark tales, my mind revolves.

Entertain thoughts of grim design,
To seize control, to break the line.
Endless nights of haunting sorrow,
Yearning for a brighter morrow.

Yet shadows cling, they tightly bind,
A chilling grip, a troubled mind.
Oh, to bring an end, release,
From the depths where shadows cease.

Alas, the darkness holds its sway,
In Poe's realm, I often stray.
Longing for the light to be,
To set my troubled spirit free.

But in this bleak and shadowed place,
I find a kindred, haunted grace.
For Poe, in darkness, found his art,
A solace for the haunted heart.

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